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Racism in Italy

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Racism in Italy Empty Racism in Italy

Post  Luca ITALY Fri May 30, 2008 5:49 pm

I would like to share with you my worried state of mind about what is happening in the last weeks here in Italy. During and after the elections period there was a very bad athmosphere about the relationships with the immigrants coming to this country. The new government is implementing a politik of repression and closing the boarders considering the immigrants the reason of the lack of security in the towns. Honestely I deeply disagree with this and I consider this a dengerous manipolation of the public opinion. As you probably know the italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is the owner of 3 national public TV, it controls 2 national newspapers and his book company Mondadori control about 50 % of book market. I told you this to show how is easy for him (and in general for the political class) to make people think what they want. I noticed that in the elections period and also after most of the national mass media showed everyday about crimes done by immigrants (in particoular Romanians who are the main target of new governament). The new government want to change the laws about entering italy asking VISA to people form EU (Thank god european institutions disagree) giving to immigrants the responsability of the italian problems. To proove my opinion I want to mention an episode: some week ago there was a rape in rome and the responsable it said to be (actually it never ammited it) a Romanian, well after this all the mass medias used to speak about the problem of "romanians raping wemen as it's normal for them", but the official statistic says that 70 % of sexual violences are done inside the family : parents with children, husbands with wifes and so on...
Maybe I've spoken too much but I wanted to give an Idea of this bad atmosphere that brought in the last days several racist aggression even in Rome, here the new mayor (sentenced 3 times for fascist aggressions) says again that the reason is not racism but private problems. I would like to hear what you think about this and if you ever had a similar impression in your country. Another thing I would like to know is if in your country people knows about what is happening here.

Posts : 5
Join date : 2008-05-29
Age : 37
Location : Rome, Italy (my home is in Montopoli di Sabina, 45 km from Rome but I work and study in Rome)


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